

Hugo smiled as he entered the gym. He sidestepped the faulty floorboard and strode forty-eight exact feet to the practice ring. Nothing had changed.

Marcus was there, as Hugo expected, scrubbing the canvas. A legendary boxing coach, Marcus still cleaned the ring himself. It was his church, he claimed. Nothing had changed.

Marcus looked up, eyes widening on seeing his most famous student.

‘Champ…’ Hugo unleashed a massive right hook to his old coach’s temple. The old man crumpled and lay still.

A young boy came, crying, from the showers. He looked at Hugo, and Marcus’ body at his feet. Hugo smiled.

Something had to change.

Written for the weekly Friday Fictioneers hosted by our gracious host Rochelle Wisoff – Fields. This week’s prompt is from J. Hardy Carroll. Read other takes and enter your own here


  1. Ouch! Somehow I knew Hugo was going to punch Marcus, but the reason was a real Oh, goodness moment especially after the line about the boxing ring being Marcus’ church.


  2. If it weren’t for a real life coach and crying little boys in showers, I might not have had a frame of reference. Unfortunately I did. And things had/have to change. Does this mean that Hugo will have to pay another price?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The brutal murder of the coach took me by surprise, and I realised that the real meat of your story was unsaid. I like the touch about the faulty floorboard – excellent prefiguring; the floorboard hadn’t changed and neither had the coach.


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