Mirror, Mirror! – Friday Fictioneers


‘Grandmother, what is it?’

‘It’s a magic mirror, love. It shows what your heart really wants.’


‘Well, that’s what my grandmother’s grandmother told her.’

‘Have you taken a peek?’

‘But of course, love. Quite the few times.’

‘Did it truly show your heart’s desire?’

‘That’s my little secret, love. Do you want to take a peek?’

‘It already shows what I want, Grandmother.’

‘The gardener’s shed? But of course! I’m truly sorry, my dear. Alas, your destiny is to become the Queen.’

‘If only this mirror could also give me what I desire!’

Word Count: 94

Congratulations and best wishes to our gracious host, Rochelle, on her brand new book – A Stone For The Journey. Thanks to Nathan Sowers and Dawn M. Miller for this week’s picture prompt. To read more stories based on this prompt, please click here.  


  1. Many times standing in front of a mirror we appear confused. Mirror are a reflection of what we are feeling inside, it just that we should keep our eyes and ears open to see and listen to that voice that get ricocheted from the mirror image…nicely written.


  2. Very well written. It would be really nice if mirror could give us what we desired for

    #MyFriendAlexa #zenithbuzzreads


  3. Even if she gets what she desires there is no guarantee that she will stay happy forever.


  4. C’est la vie! We don’t always get what we desire…
    If only magic mirrors worked in life.

    Nicely penned! 🙂


  5. Who wouldn’t want to be queen? Well, clearly, this young girl who would be much happier playing with fistfuls of dirt and green things. What we desire is not always as desirable as we think it is. Nice vignette.


  6. I really like your point of view… she has all the treasures of the kingdom at her feet and all she wants is simplicity.


  7. “If only this mirror could also give me what I desire!’.. maybe some other magical object would give her what she desires or better what she deserves.


    1. Hi, Anurag. Thanks for linking me up. What’s the deadline for the post? I’m swamped for a couple of days. If I have time till the weekend, then perfect. Please let me know.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Btw, have just tagged you on a Finish The Story Blog Hop to which pensitivity101 had tagged me. Will be great if you can take the story forward in your own way 🙂


  9. That’s quite a concept. A mirror that shows you what you want. Might not be a good idea to keep it where other people can share it with you. 🙂 Great take.


  10. You make a fascinating observation there about how the things we want so often differ from what we can have. I suppose it’s partly about the way social pressure can deny us what we want. Nice write.


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