#MicroMondays – 5


What makes writing fiction to prompts special? Whether the prompt is a picture, or a single word or as in true #MicroMondays style – a sentence from a book, it’s undoubtedly the interpretation of the prompt that makes it special. For the same prompt, one can write in a variety of genres ranging from Horror to Comedy. Are you ready to tap that creative whacky place of your brains?

Welcome to the fifth edition of #MicroMondays.

The first thought that popped into my head for picking the prompt for the 5th edition was The Famous Five. I have read all 21 of the series as a kid. For this week’s prompt we go to the 50th page of the 5th book of the series – ‘Five Go Off in a Caravan.’



Oooh! Such a long prompt, you might think. This week we are changing the rules a bit. You are free to use 50 words EXCLUDING the prompt this time. Obviously, the prompt has to be used VERBATIM.

Our usual rules

  1. Word count is paramount.
  2. Prompt to be used VERBATIM.
  3. Genre no bar. As a further challenge, why don’t you surprise yourselves this time? If the first story that pops up in your head for this prompt is a mystery, why don’t you flip the script and try a romance instead? A thriller comes to your mind? why not a comedy? Come on, it could be fun 😀
  4. Please read, like, comment and share the entries of your fellow bloggers.
  5. Please tag your posts with #MicroMondays
  6. Tweet out your posts tagging @VaradharajanR and @Namysaysso. We will retweet your posts.
  7. Mild profanity is acceptable. But please keep your post below ‘R’ rating.
  8. Do add your posts to the inlinkz linky provided below.

A couple of our usual participants missed out on the deadline for the 4th edition. But they did write to the prompt. I’m adding the links to their posts here. Please do visit them and show some love. After all every post deserves to be read, right?

Sara Sid


My entry for this week. As suggested (by me :P) I’m flipping the script on its head. The first thought that popped into my head was a thriller/mystery. So I’m going for a good old fashioned romance 😀

Melanie looked down and smiled wryly at her body, wasted by substance abuse.

Al, her husband, had disappeared into their bedroom with his floozy.

Their wedding pictures lay scattered on the bedroom floor.  


Al would feel guilty. She didn’t want that.  

‘It’s just sex. I know he still loves me.’


  1. Wow!! Varad and Namratha..I was unaware about #MicroMondays..Congratulations on this new initiative. I hope to take part from next Monday. Feeling excited.


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