Of Past Things


‘Do you see that old building there?’ Don nodded eagerly to his Grandmother’s question. ‘Si, Abuelita! I do.’

‘That was where I met your abuelo for the first time.’

‘Wow! What was he doing?’

Abuela had a wan smile over her wrinkled visage, ‘He was stealing bread from that deli.’

‘Ha! That’s funny.’ Don had a funny look, ‘Abuela, what is a deli?’

‘Delis were places where you could eat food.’

‘Hmmm! I’ve never been to any place to eat.’

‘Yes! Those places exist only on your mobile phones these days.’


Written in response to the picture prompt provided by Jean L. Hayes for the weekly Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff – Fields. To read other entries please click here


  1. The logical (and inevitable?)consequences of digital migration. Malls are already emptying out. This may be the next step.
    Funny,I think a hundred years ago or so, we also got much of what we needed, delivered in packages,from remote locations.


  2. Nice conversation between Grandma and Don. May be together they can go inside the Deli and enjoy a meal.


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